an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background
    VANNMANN offers consultations in the following areas:

  • Tariff classification of goods, including determining the correct commodity code HS / CN

  • VAT / PVA - Duty Deferment - differences & legal rules

  • VAT deferral in the EU – Procedure 4200 - legal rules

  • CHED and CHED-PP documents in the EU (including France & Poland) - legal rules

  • EORI number registration - CDS system registration

  • Standing Authority - CCA Cash Account

  • ATA carnet - Temporary customs clearance - TOR1 document - legal rules

  • VAT refund on invoices for goods exported from the UK - rules

  • Legal basis for 0% VAT in the UK and the EU - law & legal rules

  • Closing T1 outside the standard procedure in ports and IBF

  • Classic vehicles import into the EU - law & legal rules

  • Personal belongings in the UK, Poland, and throughout Europe

  • Identification of fully legal customs solutions and procedures that are most beneficial for the client

Consultation fees for the above issues: £87.50 GBP for a full, comprehensive consultation lasting up to 90 minutes, including providing a solution, plus legal basis, when required.

We explain all customs complexities to our clients step by step, using clear and customer-tailored language.

Feel free to contact us by phone or via WhatsApp:

Mobile / WhatsApp: +44 7 774 775 006

or by the email: